Tag Archives: puppy

My beautiful, beautiful Sofie

My beautiful, beautiful Sofie

She’s getting so big! She’s seven and a half months old now.

Sofie in the fresh snow!

We had so much fun in the snow today!

Some Rudy, Lois and Sofie!

Here’s all my beautiful creatures…

I’m pretty sure it’s time for some more photos of Sofie…

More Sofie!

Our second walk today!

The area the animal shelter is in is quite pretty. There’s a huge lake that we visited today where puppy sort of met  some geese (video). She also met two nice ladies walking their two nice dogs. Super easy encounter with the dogs.

The only time she has barked was at a post with a bag on it in a field (I almost barked at it too), the geese at the lake and at naughty dogs we meet along the pathways. If the other dogs are behaving and they pass by without barking, she doesn’t bark.

She impresses me.
*Dog Proud*

Walkies and a whole new kind of love

Me: I think I love her already.

M: I know you do.










So, walkies was super fun! She behaved incredibly well on the lead and listened to me! She is even more adorable than the first time we met. She will be a very easy puppy to train.

We can go for another walk with her tomorrow, then on Monday the vet checks her out…then, Tuesday she can come home with us!!!!!

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Memorial field - Escapees during the war hid in this area.

Memorial field – Escapees during the war hid in this area.
